Situation At the first negotiation the Buyer offered the priсe of 7 million USD for the business, but the Seller announced: we expected the cost would be at least 15 million USD. The negotiation stopped at this very stage.
Task The task was to sell the business with income on the invested capital (ROI) four times higher and more.
Achievements The PROXY was hired for making the negotiations. The PROXY held more than 10 meetings in clarifying the figures to verify the reasonable price and its adequacy for both the Buyer and the Buyer's analysts. The PROXY prepared the deal structure clear and secure for both parts.
Results The deal was closed at a 14 million USD cost.
Providing report services for the foreign investor
Situation The Russian subsidiary of the international company looked for an appropriate specialist in providing reports according to the Head Office Standard.
Task The task was to create an efficient service of information maintenance and providing reports to the Head Office in the required format.
Achievements The Proxy was hired to automatize the reporting function. The Headquarters got reports in the required format as an automated upload process from the local accounting software ("1C"). As a result, staff service was not necessary.
Results The economy on the operational expenses in the Russian subsidiary has saved more than 100 000 EUR within 3 years.
An investor from Israel made an attempt entering the Russian market
Situation A corporation from Israel looked for an opportunity running some business at the Russian market. The strategy was based on establishing partnership in cooperation with the local specialized company. The local executive claimed to have 49 per cent of shares in the common business. The Israel part would offer to the local executive partner no more than 24 per cent of shares in the common business.
Task The task was to negotiate the business terms and conditions and to run the first cooperation project.
Achievements A Proxy was NOT invited to attend the negotiation. As a result, the Heads did not meet the agreement because they had not covered all the predictable results of the negotiation. The deal fell through.
Results The Israel investor did not enter the Russian market. The Russian corporation did not enter the market of federal logistics and industrial parks development.
If you have no confidence
Situation The investor intended to finance a StartUp. There was no confidence that the money would spend according to the project plan.
Task It was necessary to hire a mediator who would constantly keep an eye on the project management and follow investor's interests and would not impede the executives to do their jobs.
Achievements The PROXY was hired to conduct the project with the following functions:
Budgeting, budget control, payment discipline;
Harmonisation of terms and conditions for contract making;
HR administration in accordance with the Russian law.
Results The project was financed and finished with the economy on the budget.
Case Investigation Forensic analysis
Situation The question of management efficiency was raised in front of the Оwner of an international corporation.
Task It was necessary to provide the owner with the evaluation of management efficiency and find the way to improve the common efficiency for the enterprise.
Achievements For this case study the PROXY was hired. The PROXY offered to look at the situation from different perspectives and to compare the company with the market competitor through the process of the possible merger. The evaluation for significant deviation in effectiveness was revealed. The resources were bought at an unreasonable price. The non-correspondence in the price for raw materials and their quantity was disclosed The investigation was carried out and the identifying evidence was obtained.
Results The merger process of the companies was considered as inappropriate. The business processes were changed and recommendations for setting up controlling functions in the corporate information system were provided. The price for construction declined 3 times and the construction speed increased more than 2 times. More than 10 managers interested in non efficient resources maintaining processes were fired. The proof was exhibited to one of the employees to initiate a criminal case. He compensated the loss for more than 2 million EUR.
Services for foreign investors at the Russian market
We can play the role of the local partner for running your business who will provide effective communications at the local market.
We are working on your side and the key value of our work is to help your team to establish mutual understanding with executives.
We have a variety of different tools to provide support for your business development without outlook on local management and staff mentality.
We earn money only by providing support for your company and basement for making business at the Russian market. Lawyers scare you and make money on your fear. Our business is the successful negotiations.
Our key competence is to assist your corporation to run successful projects on the Russian market.
We have great potential and possibility for your business development.
We organize recruiting of efficient executive management.
We hire the best specialist from top legal agencies.
We provide the ways to manage the risks. Lawyers (we will hire the best locals for your business) will illuminate the infinite count risks in making business at our market. We will find the ways to manage the risks.
We are the partner at the local market to protect your assets and maintain relationships.
We maintain relationship with a regulator and maintain compliance.
Our specialisation is being on the investor side and making the business beneficial by escorting the development.
creating the professional opinion in land plot choosing for a construction project;
We do not play a role of a real estate agency, we have no property or set of assets which we are interested in selling you.
maintaining time-limits of providing engineering communications;
we provide you with the professional service in making choice and evaluation for suitable offers from the market;
establishing relationships with target sellers, expertising. We provide the professional view, the local network of of best experts, our expert's view on legal risks which take your possibility to make a reliable choice;
investment in developing projects at the Russian market;
We provide services in:
selection and maintain the appartments for your top management staff.
Some local distributors will be interested in maximization of gaining their own profit, minimisation of expenses and providing a limited level of professionalism.
The basement of knowledge and peculiarities concerning your products is often insufficient.
In such a situation we offer you the possibility to enter the local market through your own chain and to communicate with your customers without an intermediate seller.
showroom organizing;
providing first class client services, a knowledge and education center at the local market.
customs clearance;
organizing the first class service for 4PL logistics;
We assist you to enter and to make a worthy business at the Russian market providing you with the following services:
Our key competence is to assist your corporation to run successful projects on the Russian market. We have great potential and possibility for your business development. We can play the role of the local partner for running your business who will provide effective communications at the local market. We are working on your side and the key value of our work is to help your team to establish mutual understanding with executives. We have a variety of different tools to provide support for your business development without outlook on local management and staff mentality.
We earn money only by providing support for your company and basement for making business at the Russian market. Lawyers scare you and make money on your fear. Our business is the successful negotiations. We provide the ways to manage the risks. Lawyers (we will hire the best locals for your business) will illuminate the infinite count risks in making business at our market. We will find the ways to manage the risks. We maintain relationship with a regulator and maintain compliance. We organize recruiting of efficient executive management. We hire the best specialist from top legal agencies. We are the partner at the local market to protect your assets and maintain relationships.
Running a project at a foreign market requires taking into account a lot of peculiarities. You will face risks involving unreliable contractors and specialists, complication in communication and unsolved tasks in managing cases.
We offer you support in:
Financial and economic follow-through.
Legal corporate structure maintenance.
Compliance to labour law.
Forensic services.
Local IT technology for reliability.
We do not play a role of a real estate agency, we have no property or set of assets which we are interested in selling you. Our specialisation is being on the investor side and making the business beneficial by escorting the development.
We provide services in:
Creating the professional opinion in land plot choosing for a construction project.Maintaining time-limits of providing engineering communications. Establishing relationships with target sellers, expertising. We provide the professional view, the local network of of best experts, our expert's view on legal risks which take your possibility to make a reliable choice.
We provide you with the professional service in making choice and evaluation for suitable offers from the market.
Investment in developing projects at the Russian market.
Selection and maintain the appartments for your top management staff.
Some local distributors will be interested in maximization of gaining their own profit, minimisation of expenses and providing a limited level of professionalism. The basement of knowledge and peculiarities concerning your products is often insufficient. In such a situation we offer you the possibility to enter the local market through your own chain and to communicate with your customers without an intermediate seller.
We assist you to enter and to make a worthy business at the Russian market providing you with the following services:
Customisation of advertisements activities. Showroom organizing. Customs clearance. Organizing the first class service for 4PL logistics. Providing first class client services, a knowledge and education center at the local market.